Customizing channels#

import sinaps as sn
import numpy as np

To implement a channel C, it is necessary to implement:

  • a static method C._I(V,t,st_vars,params) returning the net current towards inside ([pA] for point channel and [pA/μm2] for density channels) of the mechanism with V the voltage (:array) and **st_vars the state variable of the mechanism (:array)

  • If there are state variables (ions), a static method C._dS(V,t,st_vars,params) returning a tuple with the differential of each state variable and a function S0 returning a tuple with the initial value for each state variable

  • a static method C._J(ion,V,t,st_vars,params) returning the flux of each species due to the current, in mM/ms for point channels, and in mM/ms/μm^{2} ofr density channels.

In this example we will create one additionals channel, a NMDA receptor, with 15% of the current carried by calcium ions. We need to:

  • subclass the Channel Class

  • define the _init function

  • define the static method C._I, that computes the current, in pA for point channels, and in pA/μm^2 for density channels

  • define the static method C._J., that computes the corresponding the flux of ions, in mM/ms. The conversion from pA to mM/ms requires to divide by 96.48533132838746, and by the valence of the ion.

class NMDAR(sn.Channel):
    """Point channel with a NMDAr-type current starting at time t0,
voltage-dependent flow of sodium (Na+) and small amounts of calcium (Ca2+) ions into the cell and potassium (K+) out of the cell.
    param_names = ('t0','gnmda','tnmda1','tnmda2','V_nmda')

    def __init__(self,t0,gnmda=0.02,tnmda1=11.5,tnmda2=0.67,V_nmda=75):
        """Point channel with a NMDAr-type current starting at time t0 [pA]
            t0: start of the current [ms]
            gnmda: max conductance of NMDAr [nS]
            tnmda1: NMDAr time constant [ms]
            tnmda2: NMDAr time constant [ms]
            V_nmda: NMDAr Nernst potential [mV]
        self.params={'t0' : t0,
                     'gnmda' : gnmda,
                     'tnmda1' : tnmda1,
                     'tnmda2' : tnmda2,
                     'V_nmda': V_nmda,

    def _I(V,t,
        return -((t <= t0+50) & (t >= t0))*gnmda*(np.exp(-np.abs(t-t0)/tnmda1)-np.exp(-np.abs(t-t0)/tnmda2))/(1+0.33*2*np.exp(-0.06*(V-65)))*(V-V_nmda)

    def _J(ion,V,t,
        Return the flux of ion [aM/ms/um2] of the mechanism towards inside.
        if ion is sn.Species.Ca:
            return ((t <= t0+50) & (t >= t0)) *np.maximum(-gnmda*(np.exp(-np.abs(t-t0)/tnmda1)-np.exp(-np.abs(t-t0)/tnmda2))/(1+0.33*2*np.exp(-0.06*(V-65)))*(V-V_nmda)/96.48533132838746/2*0.15,0)
            return 0 *V

Setting up the channels#

nrn = sn.Neuron([(0,1),(1,2),(1,3),(3,4)])

Section Section0000

  • L: 100 um

  • a: 1 um

  • C_m: 1 uF/cm² (c_m=62.832 fF/μm)

  • R_l: 150 Ω.cm (r_l=477.46 aΩ/μm)

  • channels:

  • point_channels:


nrn[0].add_channel(NMDAR(0.5,gnmda=20),0) #
# Shortcuts
Ca = sn.Species.Ca
nrn.add_species(Ca, D=50, C0=0)

Running the simu#

# Initialisation of the simulation
# Runing the simulation,100))
100%|██████████| 100.0/100 [00:01<00:00, 72.66ms/s]


# Plotting the potential

Running the calcium dynamics#

# Running the chemical reactions part
100%|██████████| 100.0/100 [00:01<00:00, 72.92ms/s]

